cfx_bittorrentfile v0.2 - .torrent file parsing for ColdFusion server Installation: Install like any other CFX tag. Usage: ",Chr(13))> The "variable" parameter is optional, and defaults to "TorrentFile". This sets a structure "Info" with the following sub-keys from the .torrent file: Info.Name = /info/name Info.Announce = /announce Info.Length = /info/length OR SUM(/info/files/*/length) Info.SHAHash = hex(SHA1(/info/*)) Info.PieceLength = /info/piece length Info.FileCount = 1 OR LENGTH(/info/files/*) The following fields may be blank, as they are optional: Info.CreationDate = /creation date Info.CreatedBy = /created by Info.Comment = /comment There is also a query created (variable + "Files" : "InfoFiles"): InfoFiles = QueryNew("Name,Length,Path,MD5Sum") Please note that the MD5Sum may be blank, as it is optional. Tested With: CF Server 4.5.1 SP2 CF MX Server More Information: Written By: Rick Osborne < knowbuddy (aht) rixsoft (dt) com >